Problematic mutations in Calila e Dimna: an analysis in the light of the Arabic versions




Calila e Dimna, Kalila wa-Dimna, Mutations, Exemplary Literature, Cultural Translation


In the present work, four representations of mutations in Calila e Dimna will be analyzed and compared, when necessary, with three versions of the Arabic Kalila wa-Dimna and two Sanskrit sources, Panchatantra and Mahābhārata. This comparison has a dual objective: on the one hand, with regard to the relationship between the Castilian Calila and the Arabic Kalila, it is intended to confirm the closeness between both branches of this story; on the other hand, consulting different versions of the same story serves to shed light on complex or problematic aspects of the narration, such as representations of transformations or conversions. This analysis will be framed by the concept of cultural translation.


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How to Cite

Miranda, F. L. . (2024). Problematic mutations in Calila e Dimna: an analysis in the light of the Arabic versions. Revista De Filología Española, 104(1), 1337.