Ramón Menéndez Pidal and the problem of the scientific paradigm. Positivism and Humboldtian trend





Menéndez Pidal, scientific paradigm, Positivism, Humboldtian trend, Völkerpsychologie


The article investigates the scientific paradigm defining Ramón Menéndez Pidal’s work. Due to the lack of an explicit theoretical study on Menéndez Pidal’s writings, his work has not been clearly classified leading some critics to associate him with positivism and Schleicher’s paradigm. The reality is more nuanced. This article makes a distinction between Menéndez Pidal’s theory and practice by reaching the conclusion that his theoretical framework derives from the Humboldtian tradition, in particular from Völkerpsychologie, and not from Schleicher’s positivist paradigm from which he derives his scientific rigour.


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How to Cite

Santano Moren, J. . (2022). Ramón Menéndez Pidal and the problem of the scientific paradigm. Positivism and Humboldtian trend. Revista De Filología Española, 102(1), 221–244. https://doi.org/10.3989/rfe.2022.009


