Syntactic Features of Aljamiado Glosses in a Thirteenth-Century Hebrew Biblical Glossary-Commentary




syntax, romance, medieval, Bible, translation, aljamiado, glossary


This article analyzes syntactic features of Romance Aljamiado glosses in a thirteenth-century biblical glossary-commentary. These are compared with medieval Castilian romanceamientos of the Bible translated from Hebrew, and with Sephardic translations of the Bible from after the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian Peninsula, as the Ferrara Bible. This analysis shows that some features coincide with those present in Castilian romanceamientos, while others seem to be part of a different tradition, that is reflected in the Ferrara Bible and other Sephardic biblical translations.


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How to Cite

del Barco, J. (2023). Syntactic Features of Aljamiado Glosses in a Thirteenth-Century Hebrew Biblical Glossary-Commentary. Revista De Filología Española, 103(1), 57–76.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers FFI2015-63700-P